Climate of the Alaskan Tundra

Average monthly temperature:

Monthly Temperature in the Tundra

Average yearly temperature: 4 C°

Average rainfall per month:Monthly Rainfall In The Tundra

Average rainfall per year: 300- 400 mm

Latitude: 60°N – 70°N                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Because the Arctic tundra is located so far north, It receives highly varied amounts of sunlight. During the winter, the sun can recede for up to two months, leaving the tundra in darkness. During the summer, the sun does not set for up to 5 months and hovers over the horizon, providing faint light during the entire day and night. During the other months on average, there are normally 6-8 hours of daylight and 16-18 hours of nighttime.

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